
See if your kids are attending D.A.R.E.

D.A.R.E. Students Five Times Less Likely 
To Start Smoking According to Newly Published Scientific Study 
Findings of a study published by the prestigious Journal of the National Medical Association demonstrate that the D.A.R.E. curriculum is highly effective in prevention of smoking among elementary school-aged children. Smoking is the single most preventable cause of death. 
Specifically, the study found that students that completed the D.A.R.E. program were five times less likely to start smoking compared to youngsters who did not participate in D.A.R.E. 

Researchers at the Meharry School of Medicine conducted this evaluation of 5th and 6th graders in Nashville, Tennessee. Researchers further found a direct correlation between knowledge regarding the risks of smoking and increased rates of smoking avoidance. The D.A.R.E. students had a significantly higher knowledge score regarding the risk of smoking than the comparison group. 
Through D.A.R.E.'s comprehensive curriculum students are armed with the tools needed to reject destructive behaviors such as smoking, drinking, and taking drugs. 

Source: “Impact of a Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Program in 
Preventing the Initiation of Cigarette Smoking in Fifth- and Sixth-Grade 
Students” (J. Natl. Med. Assoc. 2002; 94: 249-256.) 

Love, Lil Sis

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